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Medium Mechanics:

Assisted Association

"Everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make
the world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however, in danger of lacking meaning; quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us."
- Jean Baudrillard

This project is about the study of medium mechanics.
The way in which a consumer absorbs the image and what he or she does with it is heavily reliant on what their state of mind is at that time. Narratives and associations are in constant flux with all we see around us; It is human nature to attach meaning to everything we see.
The project aims to investigate various ways in which semiotic deconstruction can reveal an environments psycho-geographic connotations.

These images were created with layers which can be identified individually through different light filters. The book is split up into 5 different categories; each with a collection of 5 images:

•  Aspirational
•. Confrontational
•. Informational
•. Instructional
•. Rhetorical.

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